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Sharpe SV50114M040 Flanged Ball Valve 4in 4" Carbon Steel Fig50114 TFM
$503.95 $885.00
Sharpe SV54116M030 Flanged Ball Valve 3" 54116 316 Stainless Steel 3in
$863.95 $2,085.00
Swissfluid 3" Ball Valve Flanged Stainless Steel 150lbs U85 3in Swiss
$479.99 $1,585.00
Val-Matic 1806A.1XD Silent Check Valve 1806A.1 6in Globe 6" Flanged
$1,295.95 $1,685.00
Vickers DG4V-3-8C-VM-KUP5-D2-G7-61 Solenoid Valve Eaton 02-353813 DG4V
$287.95 $585.00
Vickers DG5V-8-H-2A-M-U-B-10 Control Valve DG4V-3-2A-M-U-B6-60 02-3606
$1,151.95 $1,985.00
Watts 0298577 Pressure Regulator Valve 1 1/2 LF223-S LF223S 25-75 PSI
$767.99 $1,485.00
Watts 0298607 Water Pressure Reducing Valve LFN223M2-B-HP 2-1/2 2.5"
$1,017.95 $8,500.00
Watts 0830910 Pressure Regulator Valve 1/2 152A 10-50 Steam Reducing
$431.99 $755.00
Watts LFN223M2-B 2 1/2 Water Pressure Reducing Valve 0298602 2-1/2"
$1,967.95 $2,885.00
Wilkins ZW4004ILG Fire Sprinkler Valve Zurn ZW4004 2 1/2" 2.5 Groove
$122.99 $885.00
Zurn 3-500XLFC Water Pressure Reducing Valve Wilkins Flanged 3in 3"
$3,244.95 $4,585.00
Zurn Wilkins 2-600XL Water Pressure Reducing Valve 2in 2" FNPT Union
$719.95 $985.00